There is a stunning project known as the “Great Tapestry of Scotland” - a visual portrayal of Scotland's (hi)story through the weaving together of beautiful panels that have been hand-stitched by residents of cities, towns and villages all across Scotland.
From the beginning, storytelling has played a central role in Scotland. The old Celtic “Seanachaidh” (storyteller) would seek, through the telling of their stories, to weave the listeners together, to restore identity, giving people a sense of who they were, where they had come from and the people they were a part of.
And now we as 24-7 Prayer Scotland want to tell stories - your stories.
A deeper hunger for prayer, for the person of Jesus and for following him is stirring in hearts across this land and as people respond to this stirring, stories are being written.
We want to help weave those stories together so that we in Scotland are reminded of who we are, where we have come from, and feel connected to and inspired by one another.
If you have a story of what God is doing through prayer, mission and justice in your community, no matter how small it may feel, we would love to hear from you!