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Introducing Our New National Coordinator: Rachel Dhillon

Hi, I’m Rachel, the new National Coordinator for 24-7 Prayer Scotland. I wanted to take a moment here to share something of myself, and to tell you about the process…


Love in Transition

“You could more easily catch a hurricane in a shrimp net than you can understand the wild, relentless, passionate, uncompromising, pursuing love of God made present in the manger.”…


Joy in Transition

We continue our Advent series on transition and waiting. This past Sunday the theme was joy so our team member Bec shares some reflections on joy drawn from her…


Advent Series – Peace in Transition

I sit in my room, the rain battering off the windows as the snow has just disappeared. Our room is half decorated with Christmas lights, while the rest of the…


Advent blog series – Week 1 – Hope in Transition

Advent is the time where we revisit one of the central themes of our Christian faith – Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us; God is always with us, always for us.


From the Present to the Eternal

Ancient Christianity, including our own heritage of the Celtic Church, would have traditionally celebrated “the feast of Christmas” for 12 days – from Christmas Day through to Epiphany, this year…


Worshipping with Our Feet

If I’m honest, pilgrimage is not a concept I’m comfortable with. Something about it grates whenever it is mentioned. Even the word makes me feel… itchy. Instinctively, I don’t like…


Journeying As Community

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls”Jeremiah…


Finding and Being Found

Rebecca Swarbrick of Fife shares her reflections on finding and being found while on pilgrimage. So, pilgrimage is all about journeying, right? But what if there was no particular…


A Pilgrimage of the Heart

24-7 Prayer Scotland team member Bec shares with us her recent reflections on Advent and pilgrimage in the midst of daily family life. Pilgrimage can seem like a pretty…

Share your stories

If you have some stories or news that you would like to share with us, please let us know and we would love to share it with the 24-7 Community.

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